Adoption Day!

I met the Molony Family at Evolve Aikido, where their son was training with my kids. It was easy to become fond of them, and enjoyed hearing updates on the journey they were on. Their boy, Aidan, was placed in their home- and they began the exhausting but worthwhile process to adopt him. When they were (finally!) given their adoption date, they asked if I would photograph this life changing event.

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What an honor to attend and photograph such a special moment. Congratulations, Molony family! What wonderful people this beautiful boy made parents.

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Mays Kids with Mom, Grandma, and Great Grandma

The Mays kids were excited to see their grandma and great-grandma, who were visiting California from the mid-west.

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Grandma was pleased to meet her newest grand baby for the first time.

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I have enjoyed watching these wonderful people grow through the years.


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Beautiful people to photograph, beautiful people to know πŸ™‚

Ave Family Portraits

As is customary, I have let a lot of time pass since I last shared. I went through my photo library and had to make a tough call on which beautiful family I would post. These two cuties caught my eye…

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Their photo session was done in their back yard. They have a fun playhouse/fort, I love the color! Here they are with their beautiful mom and proud dad…

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Such a joy to have photographed- thank you, Ave family!

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Totah Family Portraits

I am so slow at updating. My busiest month for family photos is November- and I’m posting this session in April! It’s so silly- I love my families, and this one is no exception. Some day I’ll get faster at sharing!

Here they are- the Totah family!

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Grayson and Sami were so fun, I really enjoyed taking their photos.

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We concluded our session with a photo of some very special guests. I look forward to our next ‘play date’ πŸ™‚

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Newborn Baby Alec

Well, I haven’t been great at updating. I had a lot of fun doing this photo shoot- and it was 8 months ago! Talk about being behind!

Meet Alec, if you haven’t already. If you know this little guy, he is much bigger now…

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When they are new, they are so soft and squishy.

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We have to appreciate everything about their tiny little features.

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His mom knows to give plenty of kisses, time passes so quickly!

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Annual Family Portraits: Engle Family

Every year my husband and I try to take our family portraits sometime between Thanksgiving and the first week of December. This year, I was uncomfortably large. We were anticipating the birth of our 5th child in December- so we decided to wait until he arrived. Well, he held out longer than I had expected, arriving on December 22. In ten years, I hadn’t missed sending out Christmas cards. This year, I did. But we did get cards sent out- they just said ‘Happy New Year’ instead πŸ™‚

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I was pretty happy with our family portrait. Sure, Gideon is crying- but he does that.

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The ‘big kids’ were super cooperative, and very helpful. Oh, and mega cute!

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That’s our family. They bring me outrageous amounts of joy πŸ™‚