5th Baby; First Time Maternity Portraits

Every time I’m pregnant, I think about taking portraits. This time around, I got serious. This will likely be our last- no more chances to say ‘next time’! I’m used to taking the photos- I thought this might be tricky… so I called my sister for help.

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I positioned and set the lights. My sister directed me on body placement and angled the camera. A very special ‘Thanks!’ to her for making this a reality rather than a missed opportunity!

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When taking maternity portraits, I usually tell moms the ideal time frame is between 30-35 weeks. That’s when the belly is big enough to be dramatic, but usually before too much swelling or discomfort is happening. In my case, we took these when I was 29.5 weeks. Clearly my belly was not hiding!

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Our FIFTH baby is on his way, and we are just as excited as the first time. I can’t wait to meet him and enjoy holding him on the OUTSIDE!

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My sister is Engaged! Robyn & Robert

Recently, my sister asked me to take photos of her and her boyfriend while he was home on leave. Before the end of our photo session, he was her fiancé.
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What an exciting outing for us all! It came as a bit of a surprise to my sister, but a very welcome one.
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We enjoyed making the most of our session, since our time with Robert was limited.

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Congratulations to my sister, Robyn, and her fiancé, Robert. I look forward to having another brother soon!

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…Still Waiting…

Back in February we were up in Washington state visiting friends and family. My friend Val was due to have her 4th baby prior to our arrival.


She was feeling discouraged each day that passed with no sign of arrival. Pregnancy is hard work. My sister-in-law, also a photographer (www.sarahdawnphotography.com), and I decided to ambush her with a surprise photo shoot.

Val past due

In the midst of extreme discomfort, anticipation and discouragement, Val couldn’t fully embrace how amazing she looked. Sarah and I wanted to change that…

Val's Silhouette

Baby Lucas did arrive, of course. At 9.9 pounds and 22.5 inches, Val had every reason to be uncomfortable! Congratulations on a job ‘well done’!