One On The Way

I always love the opportunity to photograph the beauty of pregnancy. In my personal experience, it’s not easy to grow a little human inside your body, but so worth it! Nicole is growing her third, and looking good the whole time!

Pregnant woman looking down

When many of us think of pregnancy, joyful and exciting things come to mind- along with a few not-so-exciting things…. stretch marks, swelling… Nicole seems to have been blessed with ideal genes. Smooth, glowing skin without a mark on it!

Pregnant woman with bare belly

Pregnant Belly

I look forward to the arrival of Nicole’s little guy, such exciting times to come!

Pregnant woman in sheer white

…Still Waiting…

Back in February we were up in Washington state visiting friends and family. My friend Val was due to have her 4th baby prior to our arrival.


She was feeling discouraged each day that passed with no sign of arrival. Pregnancy is hard work. My sister-in-law, also a photographer (, and I decided to ambush her with a surprise photo shoot.

Val past due

In the midst of extreme discomfort, anticipation and discouragement, Val couldn’t fully embrace how amazing she looked. Sarah and I wanted to change that…

Val's Silhouette

Baby Lucas did arrive, of course. At 9.9 pounds and 22.5 inches, Val had every reason to be uncomfortable! Congratulations on a job ‘well done’!